

General Issues Facing Professional Bodies

George Dempster

Managing Director of E2 George Dempster gives a general overview of some of the problems that professional bodies and organisations with membership requirements face. Find out more how these common issues can be solved using modern approaches.

Recognised Prior Learning

Dr Julie Reddy

From the heart of SAQA itself, Dr, Julie Reddy discussed the topic of recognised prior learning and how it applies specifically to professional bodies in South Africa.

The Importance of Finance

Craig Ryall

As a chartered accountant, Craig Ryall gives insight into the importance of having a sound financial system in your professional body.

How To Structure Your Professional Body

Michele Langman

With a sound legal background. Michele discusses the various legal entities found in South Africa as well as the considerations to be taken into account when deciding which structure to set your professional body up as.

Intellectual Property And Its Application To Professional Bodies

Prof. Chris Job

Previously employed at large intellectual property law firm – Adams and Adams, Prof. Chris Job now runs the intellectual property department at the University of Pretoria. He discusses the considerations one would need to take into account when creating company brand images and logos.

Marketing Your Professional Body

Susan Moffett

As a marketing guru, Susan Moffett gives an overview on how to market your services as a non-profit company.